Between characters pretending to be saints while secretly being devils, Lorne Malvo's seemingly omniscient presence everywhere you look and a reenactment of biblical plagues, "God is real" was a tremendous theme in this week's episode of Fargo: "Eating the Blame."
We begin the episode with a flashback, or so we learn later. Milos, the grocery store tycoon and his wife and young son break down on the side of the snowy road leading to Deluth - their new town. Down and out on their luck and now without gasoline, Milos takes to the road to flag down a passing truck, only to get knocked to the ground. He prays to God for a miracle, for some help. And lo and behold from his faceplanted viewpoint on the ground, he sees the iconic red ice scraper that Steve Buscemi's character leaves behind in the film Fargo, marking the spot of the buried money. Milos, now in present day and in the midst of a blackmailing venture and day to day mental torture, learns to again remind himself that God is indeed very real.
My big question is, how is Malvo everywhere and anywhere all at the same time? This dude gets around. Anytime there is a conversation to be had, a plot line to push forward, Malvo is there... just creepin' in the woods, a dark silhouette against a snowy yard. He's everywhere and he's everything, all-knowing and ever present everywhere you look.
Yet so was Gus, the bumbling cop in Deluth who happens to drive past Malvo by chance and immediately, (yet clumsily) arrest him. Malvo, a master of disguise, (though HOW did no one notice he stole the clerk's glasses?) claims to be a minister in a neighboring town and manages to fool these keystone cops and walk out smiling. When Gus asks how he could just lie like that, Malvo asks him, "Why does the human eye see more green than any other color?" A perplexed Gus pays a visit to Molly in Bemidji to catch her up on his awful day and she answer the question, "Because we're predators."
I've tried and I've tried, but I just don't like Billy Bob Thornton's character. I just don't! He's supposed to be creepy and dangerous, yet silly. I just find him grating. As I mentioned before, he reminds of this guy with a mix of this guy. He's just not believable and I just don't care about his whole storyline, which is obviously the central crux that the show is built on. It just falls apart for me. The scene after the crickets invaded Milos's grocery store and Malvo is standing on top of the roof, God-like and smiling. I mean, I get the metaphorical image here but I felt like we were beaten over the head with it. I half expected him to outstretch his arms like Jesus.
Meanwhile, Numbers and Wrench are hellbent on completing the task of killing Lester, their prime suspect in the murder of Sam Hess. After throwing him in the trunk, (a favorite throwing-spot in this show, eh?) Lester is dragged kicking and screaming onto the frozen lake to meet his untimely demise after he is intended to declare: "I killed Sam Hess." Unfortunately Numbers is tazed, (insert joke here) and Lester escapes for a brief period of time before meeting Numbers and Wrench again in the jail cell.
I'm looking forward to next week's episode mainly so we can see Lester get punched in the face some more.
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