Monday, October 11, 2010

Why 80's Movies Are Scary as F*ck

Ever notice a clear difference in the way we enjoy film from the 80's and the way we enjoy it now? I mean, they just went for it back then. Drugs, sex, cursing, violence... All sense of PC-ness just went out the window.

I can remember watching Arachnophobia in Day Care. (1990, but you can see where I'm going with this.) I watched Weird Science at a Lock-In and even at that young age, I felt like I was doing something naughty. Watching movies from the 80's put some things into perspective about the differences between cinema of the 80's and cinema of today.

1) The Last Dragon: New York City was quite a different place back then. There is a clear lack of kidnapping and wandering into abandoned factories to have Ninja fights that is absent from the New York City we find ourselves in today.

2) Weird Science: High School students create a human from a computer.

3) Dirty Dancing: Illegal cabin abortions and the attempt to earn the respect of your father through the power of dance.

4) Just One of the Guys: Picnicking in abandoned caves at night. Students bringing snakes to school and a coach performing surprise jock strap checks.

5) The Explorers: Middle School students build a rocket ship to another planet and find aliens who enjoy watching television from the 40's.

6) The Peanut Butter Solution: Horrifying.

7) Goonies: A group of boys are chased underground until they find an abandoned pirate ship full of skeletons.

8) Heathers: Everybody dies.

9)Labyrinth: Goblins steal a girl's baby brother and she's forced to befriend trolls and brave the Bog of Eternal Stench while the Goblin King threatens her life. What?

10) Little Monsters: Underground worlds full of monsters lurk under every child's bed.

I don't know how we're all reasonably okay these days.

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